So, my house is a mess...
I have (clean & dirty) laundry piles about knee high in random places upstairs, and stacks of papers/invoices in the "to file pile" 6 months old.
We can't find clean socks for the baby...
Bryant can't find his truck keys.
Disorganized chaos.
In my former non-parent life, this never would have happened.
But, I have found that when I have a chance to spend time with my guys, whether it be an evening or weekend...
Does anyone else have this problem?
It is starting to effect all aspects of our mornings...and evenings.
I guess I just need to bite the bullet and get it done...but after a long day in the office without my guys, I would rather play peek a boo, and tickle bug fights...
Martha Stewart, you suck.
And that's all I have to say about that...
good to know I'm not the only one! :)
Amen to that!
WHEW!!! I thought I was the only one who felt like that! :) Luckily, I am OCD, so I am a big-time "clean-freak" etc., but I am sure here in the next few weeks when I go from having 2 kids, to 3 kids ages 3 and under...yeah...I'm gonna have those piles of laundry stacking up again. And I am going to have to try my hardest NOT to get frustrated but to remember that this time shall pass and to treasure the time they are small. Definitely not saying let the house go -- I don't agree with that at all -- but remind yourself when it doesn't all get done that it's okay, and work at it harder the next day! You are doing GREAT! I love ya to death! And I cracked up at the Martha Stewart comment! You are the best!
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