Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I love this outfit

It is officially fall in Aspen, and the cooler weather means we get to wear more fun outfits!

I love this one given to us by Aunt Amy Jo...

Which means we have every accessory...socks, blanket, onesie, pants, sweater and jumper...

Gotta love her Gymboree fetish!


Coleson & Tate said...

does this have a ram on it? (I think that is what it was) if so, we also have every accessory :) cute, it was a fave of mine too. sometimes gymboree can be a bit too "animaly" for me but some stuff is done with more class, like this one. enjoy it!

I am really excited for the "fall" outfits for the boys!

Unknown said...

in the last picture he looks just like a little kewpie doll-what a looker!

Kim said...

I LOVE THOSE PICTURES!!! He is SOOOO cute! Love his eyes! And I have to say, I see a lot of you in him in these pictures, little momma! Love you!