Wednesday, April 23, 2008

First Bike Ride of the Year...YIPPY!

Last night, Bryant and I, and all three Garaffa's (Dave, Emily and their baby, Siena) went on a bike ride up towards Lenado. Lenado is an old mining/logging town about 17 miles above our house in Woody Creek. The road winds through some of the most beautiful ranch country I have ever seen. The entire ride I was like, "I love that barn...I love that porch...I love that house!" The Woody Creek valley is home to Don Henley, John Oates (of Hall and Oates), and Don Johnson sold his ranch just last year.

Here is an end of the ride picture of Emily and I before we went to the WC Tavern for the best chips, guac and dinner in the area (even though it is the only restaurant in the area, it is still pretty high on our overall list).
Living the dream....

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