Shoo. Life is busy these days. We have been looking at houses, getting ready for Caleb's arrival, trying to squeeze in extra time with friends and at church and just doing life this week. It has been great to stay busy because it keeps my mind of off the two weeks (which can some days feel like an eternity and others feel like not enough time) before Caleb's I mentioned before, our midwife will let us stay pregnant until February 19th, but I really don't think we will make it THAT long... (right, God? :-))
I am just now getting to the point of feeling excited to not be pregnant some day soon, but I am not "over it" quite yet. I guess being a little unsettled in life is playing a major factor in that. Since we are in transition to a new home I am not nearly as put together as I was for Brooks, but I just keep hanging on to the promises that God will never give me more than I can handle and He will supply ALL of our needs according to His riches in glory, and I am told not to worry about tomorrow, and last and probably most important to remember, to be anxious for NOTHING, but let my requests be made known to God... So, all that in mind, I am content with where He has our little family and excited for where He is taking us today and next month and we have huge expectations for 2011.
I am so thankful for those promises and don't know how I would hold back the frequent urge to cry (thank you pregnancy hormones) because of all that is changing for us, if I wasn't totally certain they were true. He is good, and He has great things for us...Thank you, Lord.
We have been so blessed by the local Everetts and their support through all of this and incredibly grateful that we have such close friends and family near by. We have been praying daily that somehow we can all live closer together...(hint hint moms and dads, brothers and sisters!)
My mom arrives on February 4th for three weeks to help us welcome Caleb and transition into life with two boys, and I can't wait for the extra support and to spend quality time with her. I am so thankful for a mom who can and will drop everything to support her kiddos through life's big adventures. What a blessing. My dad will be joining us for her last week here and I can't wait to introduce him to his next little hunting/ski buddy. (#8 grandchild for my folks!)... and then in April we plan on a trip to North Carolina to spend quality time with Bryant's amazing family and I will FINALLY get to play on his old stomping grounds and meet the notorious Thomasville buddies I have only heard in the legendary stories!!!
We feel blessed beyond measure by all of our family. God is so good!
Be Blessed,
Becs & the boys
2026 Live Workshops First to Know List
We have so many beautiful new offerings that are currently being
planned for 2026. Some of the workshops will open for registration over the
next few...
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